We are constantly striving to become better. For us, the best way to achieve this is to listen very carefully to you, our customers. Based on your feedback, we have therefore fundamentally revised our invoice archive in recent months and made it more user-friendly.

From now on, when you access the invoice archive, you will see your current balance (your “LetMeShip account balance” so to speak). In addition, from now on the status of each invoice will be displayed in a completely transparent manner (paid, open, partial payment); in case of partial payment, both the paid and the open amount will be displayed.

Our mission: to make the archive as simple as possible. Therefore we have integrated a new filter function. So if you now need a very specific invoice, you now have the chance to quickly narrow down your search – for example by status, type or invoice date.

You can now also request older documents directly in the invoice archive itself, instead of having to request them first by e-mail or telephone.

In the coming weeks, we will continue to revise the invoice archive and improve it even further. You can be curious!

New filters and more overview

In the upper area of the new invoice archive you will see your current account balance. Directly below you will find improved filter options.

The new archive

Icons on the left in the left column indicate the status of the respective invoice. There is an explanation for each symbol directly below the table. Invoice documents can be requested via the plus symbol in the column “Invoice documents”.

We are happy to answer all your questions about your invoices and the new invoice archive and look forward to your feedback.

Your LetMeShip team